Cosplay and Reenactment Skills Develop Fitness Goals

Can Cosplay or Reenactment pastimes develop new behaviour? I believe cosplay or reenactment past times can develop new behaviour and more folks should try to engage in positive mindfulness practise when exercising. What inspires?  What motivates? Fear?  Well yes, that makes folks move pretty quickly, but then it can also paralyze encouraging people to hide …


Retrospection – Looking back, moving forward.

Retrospection – Looking back, moving forward. Perhaps the thought of retrospection does not hold all the answers.  To be sure there are many signposts for one to read where past mistakes may have been avoided by simply taking another route. The saying goes “hindsight is perfect vision”, this equates to – mistakes will still be …


Getting Quicker results with your training: Sword training for the modern citizen

Any proficient martial arts or sport specific instructor understands the concepts of cadence, energy transference, tactile awareness and reflex action. Understanding and imparting that information can prove to be a bit of a task. As instructors we know how important it is for a person to practice the body mechanics to facilitate the desired result. …


Ladies embrace your Warrior Queen Archetype

“Torqueblade training, for ladies? Women will never go for it”. This is what I have been told over and over again by qualified professionals in the fitness industry. It amazes me that the movers and shakers have such a low opinion of the female resolve. But of course they surely don’t mean this. What I …


Is the Torqueblade regime only for men?

The idea that training regimes must differ for females and males, this is an untruth. The human body is basically the same for both sexes, apart from the obvious. Unless we grow a third arm, the way we move and manipulate our environment will never change. Fitness training, which includes, flexibility, strength and endurance modules, …


Why do I need fitness training?

Friday night conversation internal dialogue only (insert name here) – I like my life the way it is, I don’t need to change, things are awesome, I like pizza, I like my beer, I like my $5.00 milky coffee to wake me up in the morning. Hey is that an ice cream store, I haven’t …


Motivation in Fitness.

Since Zombies are a popular cultural past time I thought it would be a nice to share information about how Zombie Apocalypse Survivor (Z.A.S.) movies are a great metaphor and possible motivation for introspection and lifestyle. I realize that this may be a tenuous link, but bare with me, the survivors in these movies need …


Goals and Prizes – How to Succeed in Fitness

There are many ways to define Goal and Prize. Many people believe that both are the same. This confusion may interfere with a person’s success in fitness training. It may help to clarify the meaning of each word and then to anchor the meaning firmly with your desires. A goal may be defined as a …


Stress and Nutrition

The Art of Adaptability:

The Art of Adaptability: The Art of Adaptability:- is a turn of phrase I use to define fitness training, based on Darwin’s philosophy of natural selection. A quote by Leon C. Megginson in 1963 that paraphrases Darwin’s concept of natural selection has often been used to promote the a concept of fitness (or similar type …
