The harvester is a crucial exercise in the art of adaptability and is one of the nine full body exercises.  The attribute from this exercise is the ability to develop torsion.  The benefits are strength, (core, legs, chest and arms) improved cardio and mobility.  When instructing direction must be given to alignment of …


Eresh – Ki

She could taste it on the air. She could feel the change, a prickling on her hosts skin made the hairs stand on end. Eresh Ki looked upon the field of her followers all embraced within her many facets. Her host was none the wiser; he had no knowledge of her presence. His arrogance blinded …


Resistance training benefits

First of all, I would like to say I have no bias regarding any training methodology, each have merit for the individual that follows that path.  Early on in my personal training career, I experienced quite a lot of resistance  – pardon the pun – regarding weight training.  This was due to a misconception that …
